Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Orphanage

Today we visited Sanyu Babies Home, an orphanage in Kampala for children 0-4 years old. Most of these children were either dropped off on the front doorsteps of the orphanage, found along curbsides, or dumped in trash cans.

It breaks my heart to be here. There are 50 babies; many of which are sick, malnurished, or have special disabilities. They spend the majority of their lives in a rickety crib crying. Since there are so many children with such limited staff and resources, they are rarely held or touched. This is very obvious when the toddlers instantly crawl to you and cry until you touch them. They often bite and hit each other when another child tries to touch you. They want all the attention to themselves because they never get any.

There are limited diapers so we are usually only allowed to change the kids who have pooped (not peed), and it looks like this only happens once or twice per day.

During feeding time, the amount of formula given is minimal and all the kids share the same few bottles.It is just so sad.

We also help do chores like laundry, cleaning bathrooms, and making beds. There is lots to do.

Photographs are not allowed in the orphanage,  however I managed to take a quick picture of one of the nurseries. If you are really interested, google "sanyu babies home uganda" as they have a website that highlights the "goods".

Amongst all this saddeness, I know that these children are in a better place than they were before they arrive. Even though their chances are very low, I hope families open their hearts and homes to these children so that they can have a chance at life.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday you sweet girl! I am so proud of you and what an inspiration you are! I hope you have a fabulous day helping out the sweet babies :) Love you and keep blogging you are doing great!!!
