Sunday, June 9, 2013

Uganda 2013

As many of you know, I'll be leaving for Uganda, Africa in just a couple short weeks. I'm lucky to have a teacher schedule with summers off so I've decided to volunteer my time abroad. I'll be doing a 3 week mission trip in Eastern Africa primarily volunteering in an orphanage for African children under age 5. I'll also be doing a little teaching in a Kampala school. I'll be traveling alone, but will be teaming up with other international volunteers through the Empower a Child Foundation.

So.....what inspired me to do something this crazy?! Well, I'm not really sure. I was originally looking into going with my church on a mission trip to Honduras. The more I thought about it, I knew that I was supposed to be helping others, but I didn't think Honduras was the right place. After a lot of deliberating, I believe that God let me know that I was most needed in Uganda.

Although I enjoy the occasional camping trip, many of you know that I'm not really the type of girl to "rough it". I'm going to be in for a rude awakening as the living conditions are much different than I'm accustomed to. We will spend about half of our time sleeping in a guesthouse in Kampala where we will have access to conveniences such as electricity and bunk beds. Three to four nights a week we will stay in a village where there will be no access to running water, toilets, or electricity. I take it that I can't bring my hair extensions or straightener? lol...I have to say that I'm a little nervous. I know that it is going to be an adventure into the unknown, but I'm so excited for the opportunity to serve. I'm ready!

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