Friday, June 28, 2013

Cityside High School (Kampala, Uganda)

Today we went to Cityside high school in the capital of Kampala. I don't think high school is the same term as it is in the US because these were more like middle school kids. I can't believe how poor this school is. It makes Johnson High look like a castle. 

The building is a standalone room that is about the size of a typical American classroom, except it has about 125 kids crammed into it, dirt floors, and tiny benches. 

We went during the student's lunch hour and led them in worship. We sung songs of worship, led prayers, shared a bible scripture/message, and fed them. In the United States I am used to seeing students this age bored, squirmy, and off-task. I was surprised how engaged they were in the singing and bible study. They were so happy and appreciative of us being there. The students definitely have a strong connection to God, unlike our US schools where religion isn't allowed to be taught. 

A young girl gave me a beaded bracelet as a gift. I felt so bad because I didn't have any money or items to give her. She assured me it was a friendship gift. These kiddos are so great, I cant wait to return!

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