Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Village

Today we went to Zirobwe village which is 1.5 hours outside of Kampala. It was amazing! Its definitely my favorite project so far. We led the children in Sunday school while the parents attended a 3 hour church service! This is normal here.

We had about 200 kids to work with so it was a little crazy but so fun. We sung lots of songs, danced, and told bible stories. The kids really get into it.

The kiddos are amazing. They instantly gravitate to you and want to hold your hand and sit on your lap. I think at one time I had 6 kids holding onto my arms and dress. I was going to take more pictures but I couldnt bear to leave the little ones.

They are so poor and literally have nothing. Most of them were wearing their very best clothing (for church) but very few had shoes. Their feet are like leather and have cuts and blisters all over them. They live in huts and grow their own food. The parents are so appreciative of us being here. Its crazy how little they have, yet their spirits arw joyous.  I cant wait to go back!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cow in the road!

We had to stop for this cow in the road! There are also lots of goats, chickens, and dogs that roam the streets.

My friend Dom

Here is my little friend Dom. He is the son of one of the Empower a Child staff. He can usually be found running around our guesthouse.

Kampala, Uganda

So this is Kampala, the capital of Uganda where we do a lot of our missionary work. It is a huge city with mostly dirt roads and no street signs. These are just some pictures ive taken from the van.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Cityside High School (Kampala, Uganda)

Today we went to Cityside high school in the capital of Kampala. I don't think high school is the same term as it is in the US because these were more like middle school kids. I can't believe how poor this school is. It makes Johnson High look like a castle. 

The building is a standalone room that is about the size of a typical American classroom, except it has about 125 kids crammed into it, dirt floors, and tiny benches. 

We went during the student's lunch hour and led them in worship. We sung songs of worship, led prayers, shared a bible scripture/message, and fed them. In the United States I am used to seeing students this age bored, squirmy, and off-task. I was surprised how engaged they were in the singing and bible study. They were so happy and appreciative of us being there. The students definitely have a strong connection to God, unlike our US schools where religion isn't allowed to be taught. 

A young girl gave me a beaded bracelet as a gift. I felt so bad because I didn't have any money or items to give her. She assured me it was a friendship gift. These kiddos are so great, I cant wait to return!

Uganda (finally!)

I've FINALLY made it to Uganda!!! I arrived in Entebbe at about10:30pm. Its 3 1/2 days late but Im so excited to be here!!! 

My luggage is STILL, it's been 4 days!!! But I'm not going to let it get me down. I just have to remember why I've been sent here.

It was a 1 hour ride in the dark to Kampala, the capital we are staying in. It was a crazy driving, honking, dodging pedestrians, and running red lights on the left side of the road. For those of you who have taken the night ride to Negril, Jamaica; you know know I mean-but faster.

I can't wait to really see Uganda tomorrow!!!


Pictures from the plane. My layover was only an hour so I didn't get to explore. Amsterdam looks really fun!

Pedal power

Saw these at the airport....they are stationary bikes that you pedal to charge your cell phones! I only made it 10 minutes :)


Ive made it to paris! Unfortunately my luggage is not here. It was sent back to belgium. I can already tell I like paris much more than belgium. People are much more friendly. I'll only be here one night, and im staying in a hotel close to the airport so I wont be able to explore.

Ways to stand out as an American tourist

Just a few differences I've picked up in Europe:

Everyone speaks seems even faster in dutch!

Bathrooms are like closets with doors that enclose you entirely,  even in public ones

Houses are quaint and built with character

There is little patience...especially for americans

I dont think the concept of a "line" exists. Everyone just pushes their way to the front. It took me 20 minutes to order a sandwich because people kept going in front of me. Its a sight to see watching 250 people at the airline terminal gate pushing to all board at once. It took me a while to figure this one out.

People will stare at you if you eat french fries with your fingers

Everything is expensive! You cant find a sandwich for less than 15 bucks.

...well thats all. Im off to eat my $18 burger :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Belgium Hotels

Here I am at my budget hotel. Its small as most European hotels are but at least it's clean and has free WiFi. One of my bags have arrived in Brussels. The other one is still lost. I will have to stay another night to wait for it. Then I will go to Paris asap.

Lost luggage

Well I'm staying in Belgium a little longer than expected. I had planned to take a train to Paris today but both my bags of luggage have been lost! Somehow one bag went to Paris, and the other Amsterdam. I have been camped out in the Brussels airport for 12 hours waiting. It looks like they won't arrive today so ill have to find a budget hotel.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I saw a flashmob engagement proposal in the belgium airport. It was equipped with a string quartet and everything! Although the arrival gate of an airport seems like an odd choice; how romantic!

Greetings from Belgium!

Since I couldnt get on my original flight from Minneapolis to paris, it caused me to miss all my other connections. I should be in uganda now, but instead im in Brussels, Belgium! All of the paris flights from atlanta were full so I had to get as close as I could to paris, which is brussels. Brussels is about 90 minutes by train to paris. Im hoping to get to the rest of my connections soon (paris, amsterdam, nairobi, and finally Uganda). I was hoping to take the train to paris as soon as I landed, however both my suitcases were lost so I had to wait in tje belgium airport for them to arrive 10 hours later. Ill have to find a hotel tonight.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lonely in Atlanta :(

I am flying standby for part of my trip. Unfortunately my flight from Minneapolis to paris was overbooked so I couldnt get on. So I flew to atlanta to try for the midnight flight. That was full to so I left the loney atlanta airport at 1am for a hotel with another stranded passenger.  Trying again in the morning.

Take off

My standby flight leaves in a half hour but I dont know yet if ill get on. The flight is pretty full but im keeping my fingers crossed!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My send off

Some great friends and family gathered last night to send me off to Uganda!

The last meal

My last westernized meal.....mac n cheese of course! It will be rice and beans here on out.


These little babies cost me $150 bucks but at least I wont contract malaria!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

13 Days to Go!

I just realized that 13 days from now I'll be jetting off to Uganda! The time is really flying by because I am still finishing up the school year at work. There are so many things left to do so I'd better get on it!

6 immunizations---check!
Flights booked---check!
$3K in travel fees (ouch!)----check!

I still need to shop, pack, book my layover hotel in Paris, and figure out how I'm going to manage without running water....This is really happening....

Uganda 2013

As many of you know, I'll be leaving for Uganda, Africa in just a couple short weeks. I'm lucky to have a teacher schedule with summers off so I've decided to volunteer my time abroad. I'll be doing a 3 week mission trip in Eastern Africa primarily volunteering in an orphanage for African children under age 5. I'll also be doing a little teaching in a Kampala school. I'll be traveling alone, but will be teaming up with other international volunteers through the Empower a Child Foundation.

So.....what inspired me to do something this crazy?! Well, I'm not really sure. I was originally looking into going with my church on a mission trip to Honduras. The more I thought about it, I knew that I was supposed to be helping others, but I didn't think Honduras was the right place. After a lot of deliberating, I believe that God let me know that I was most needed in Uganda.

Although I enjoy the occasional camping trip, many of you know that I'm not really the type of girl to "rough it". I'm going to be in for a rude awakening as the living conditions are much different than I'm accustomed to. We will spend about half of our time sleeping in a guesthouse in Kampala where we will have access to conveniences such as electricity and bunk beds. Three to four nights a week we will stay in a village where there will be no access to running water, toilets, or electricity. I take it that I can't bring my hair extensions or straightener? lol...I have to say that I'm a little nervous. I know that it is going to be an adventure into the unknown, but I'm so excited for the opportunity to serve. I'm ready!